Film Entry Submission
Film submission is made via the form below or PDF document. Due to the nature of the entry, the PDF option may be easier than the web form if you do not have all information immediately to hand when completing. Please do not proceed with submitting until you have received your entry's unique entry code. This is to prevent any unauthorised or fake entries in your school's name. If you have not received this code within 14 days of submission (term time), please email for assistance.
The form below can be completed offline and uploaded to the Dropbox link that was sent with your unique code(s). This may be preferred where multiple entries share the same details or where you wish to delegate the bulk of the completion to the relevant pupil(s).
Please also ensure the film's filename starts with your unique school code. Each entry is pooled into a combined file repository, and failure to do this might mean your film is not officially accepted and deleted.
File formats should be standard formats that can be read and displayed without a license, special software, etc. E.G. MP4, AVI, WMV, MOV. We suggest using standard video/audio codecs such as H.264, H.265, MP3, WAV, AAC, etc. Do not worry if sounds too confusing or technical, the chances are your video output will be in the correct format. Reach out to us at for guidance, if required.