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Entry FAQ

These FAQs are provided to answer common questions. However, the rules stipulated on the Terms and Conditions page override any other information on this website.

Why pre-entry?

We run a pre-entry system to help with the administration and to balance the work. Knowing in advance how many film entries we can expect, it helps us work out the appropriate time for judging and other administrative tasks. A single full-time teacher manages the competition, so more information that can be gathered in advance helps the competition run more smoothly.

Who can enter?

This is a school-based competition. Individual pupils can enter, but every entry must have a staff member of a given school sponsor the entry. This does not mean the school must pay, but an authorised member of staff from a given school must certify that the entry meets the rules. While many awards are made to individuals, the school is credited with the entry, so it must formally state it is happy with the content.  Therefore, when making an entry, you must specify the email address of the staff member at that school that accepts liability for the entry (such as compliance with safeguarding regulations, etc.).

Which category should I enter?

The category is based on film length and the ages of the key participants.  For example, if making a film lasting 30s, this would need to be entered under the Short category. If your key crew (director, camera, etc.) are 16 years old and making a 10m film, this needs to be made under the Senior category. See the Terms and Conditions page for full details.

How many entries can I make?

The competition is now open to multiple entries per school in the same or multiple categories. Each entry requires a separate fee and entry form.

Why is this a paid entry competition?

The competition is still in its infancy and relies upon entry fees to fund the prize money. It is a long-term goal to have prizes funded through sponsorship, meaning free entry; however, the core of the competition is creative freedom and independence.  As yet, no sponsors are prepared to come on board, providing funds, without wanting significant restrictions or conditions of entry - such as product placement, equipment use, etc. 

Who will judge the entries?

The initial aim was to have each entrant school form a voting body, ensuring a wide range of voting. However, in the initial year, few schools were willing or able to participate in the voting, so an independent body of industry professionals was brought in to cast votes. This is something we wish to repeat until the number of entries becomes too large for a small group of judges to manage - given that these are busy directors, actors, writers, etc. This is part of the reason for pre-entry, so we do not get an unexpected number of films submitted at the end of the competition window.

Is Mill Hill School independent in the judging process?

Yes. Mill Hill School is behind the competition in terms of organisation, administration, etc., but every entry (including our own) is judged by independent film and media experts. The judges also volunteer their time, so they are unpaid for their work, further ensuring independence. Should an elimination panel be required to filter entries making it through to the final panel, details will be announced in advance. If this is a necessary step, participation is likely to be gained from an opt-in process.

Can I get a refund?

We cannot provide refunds, even If a school or entrant fails to submit a film on time. Funds go towards the prize awards evening and cash prizes. 

How can I pay?

There is a free payment transfer service available when making the entry, and we are looking to implement credit card services; however, such additional forms of payment will incur an administration fee (based on the service provider's transaction fees). As this is a not-for-profit competition, it will ensure that as much money can go towards the prize pool as possible.

Who is eligible?

Any school or college that caters to any year groups from 8 to 13 (ages 12 to 19) within the competition window. See 'who can enter' (above) and the Terms and Conditions page for full details.

What are the entry fees?

The fees are shown in the table below and payable in Pound Sterling (GBP). When additional entries are made into the same entry category, a discounted entry fee applies.

Entry Category
Age range
First Entry Fee (£)
Additional Entries (£)
BBFC Max Rating
Short Film
12 to 19
12 to 15
15 to 19

The London Schools' Film Competition is run and managed by Mill Hill School: The Ridgeway, Mill HIll Village, London. NW7 1QS

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